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Food & Drink
in Community Education
Little Chefs Cooking Class
with Darcy Riggs-Suslovic

Ages: 8 - 15
This class is for a child and adult. The adult is required to come with the child. Learn to make a simple delicious meal and accompaniments in our WVNCC Culinary Department Kitchen. "Little Chefs" will learn to make a delicious dinner along with bread and dessert with their adult. They will get to enjoy their hard work afterwards by eating with they made. This class is perfect for 8 years old to 15 years old. You should wear comfortable clothes and have your hair pulled back. Aprons will be provided.
Little Chefs Cooking Class
with Christian Kefauver

Ages: 8 - 15
This class is for a child and adult. The adult is required to come with the child. Learn to make a simple delicious meal and accompaniments in our WVNCC Culinary Department Kitchen. "Little Chefs" will learn to make a delicious dinner along with bread and dessert with their adult. They will get to enjoy their hard work afterwards by eating with they made. This class is perfect for 8 years old to 15 years old. You should wear comfortable clothes and have your hair pulled back. Aprons will be provided.