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Home Health Aide
in Healthcare Courses
Home Health Aide - New Martinsville Campus
with Amanda Logston

This course is designed to prepare students for a career as a home health aide. Instruction is 75 hours (including 59 hours of classroom/lab and 16 hours of clinical experience).
Instruction includes how to provide care in the home for clients who cannot care for themselves. These services could be daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning, dressing, and bathing. They may also perform basic medical services such as checking vital signs. They may provide long-term care or intermittent care. Some specialize in geriatric care or pediatric home health.
Additional topics include:
- Federal requirements for home health aides
- Expanded coverage on infection prevention and control
- Observing and reporting
- HIPAA and how to protect a client's privacy
- Proper nutrition and special diets
- Care guidelines for specific diseases and now includes COVID-19
- Vital signs, including a new skill for measuring blood pressure electronically
- Pain management
- Mental health and mental health disorders
- Commonly-used abbreviations
- Oxygen therapy
- Family and home dynamics
For more information contact Karri Mulhern:
Note: Financial assistance may be available to those who qualify. See details about funding options here and contact Jenna Derrico with questions – / 304-214-8962.
Non-Discrimination Statement
West Virginia Northern Community College (WVNCC) is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution and does not discriminate based on race, sex (e.g., sex, sex stereotypes, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and pregnancy or parenting status), disability, religion, color, national origin, or age in admission, employment, educational programs, or activities; nor does it discriminate based on genetic information in employment or employee health benefits. Further, faculty, staff, students, and applicants are protected from retaliation for making complaints or assisting in investigations of discrimination. WVNCC will take steps to assure that a lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in the college’s CTE offerings. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
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