Paramedic Refresher Module III: Cardiovascular
with Anthony McDaniel
Only 2 days left to register!
This is a 4.5 hour course which meets WVOEMS Approved Paramedic Refresher (NCCP Standards)
Required Objectives:
- Understand the function of Ventricular Assist Devices
- Describe assessment/management of patients with VAD’s
- Discuss pathophysiology of congestive heart failure
- Discuss s/s and treatment of congestive heart failure
- Discuss the assessment and management of coronary disease and angina
- List the s/s of acute MI
- Identify injury patterns on a 12-lead ECG
- Differentiate STEMI from STEMI imposters
- Explain the procedure for managing an acute MI including STEMI and non-STEMI presentations
- Understand the benefits of reperfusion techniques in patients with AMI or suspected AMI
- Demonstrate the current techniques of cardiac arrest management
- Discuss airway issues in cardiac arrest management
- Determine criteria for terminating cardiac arrest in the out-of-hospital setting
- Identify signs associated with Return of Spontaneous Circulation
- Describe how to effectively manage hemodynamic instability
- List possible causes of cardiac arrest
- Make appropriate treatment choices
- Make appropriate destination decision
Non-Discrimination Statement
West Virginia Northern Community College (WVNCC) is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution and does not discriminate based on race, sex (e.g., sex, sex stereotypes, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and pregnancy or parenting status), disability, religion, color, national origin, or age in admission, employment, educational programs, or activities; nor does it discriminate based on genetic information in employment or employee health benefits. Further, faculty, staff, students, and applicants are protected from retaliation for making complaints or assisting in investigations of discrimination. WVNCC will take steps to assure that a lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in the college’s CTE offerings. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Full Non-discrimination notice and associated policies, procedures and forms
Feb 11th, 2025
Tue from 1:00 - 5:30 pm
West Virginia Northern Community College - Wheeling Campus
1704 Market Street
Wheeling, WV 26003
Get directions
Room: B & O 316